
Order Your Swim Pictures taken by

 Colonial Photography

Click on this link below

Link  :  Link to Order FAST Swim team pictures

the Password/Access Code is fast

Last Week of FAST! 

Championship Meet Information: 

Warm Up Times:

City Meet has its own awards ceremony. The awards for 6 and unders will be given immediately following the Morning Session on Friday. The rest of the awards will be given immediately following the Afternoon Session on Saturday. 

   *Heat Sheets will be available for purchase and will contain all the events for both days. 

   *There will be bleachers inside the pool area that are for single event viewing only. You may not sit on these bleachers for the whole meet. We ask that you are courteous and please abide by this rule so that all spectators can watch their swimmers. No chairs may be set up inside the pool area. 

  *If you wish to set up a tent for City Meet you may do so after the Awards Night on Thursday, July 14th. FAST cannot be responsible for these tents. You will be leaving them at your own risk. If you'd prefer, you can also set up a tent the day of the meet.

   *We will have a full Concession Stand ready!

   *Swim and Tri will be on site on Friday. They'll be selling goggles, suits, swim caps, and other unique swim items. 

   *We ask that you help us keep the meet running as smoothly as possible by cleaning up your area before you leave each day. 

   * We will need FAST volunteers for each session on both days. We truly appreciate all our volunteers! 

Please see the white board outside the Team Room on Thursday night to sign up or sign up when you arrive on Friday or Saturday. 

Volunteering & Timing

We will need FAST volunteers for EACH Session on BOTH days. We truly appreciate all of our volunteers. If you volunteer at a meet, you will fill out a small red ticket.  Please look out for areas where you can help! 

Swim Photos

Order your FAST swim pictures!! & Support the company who makes our banners! 

Passcode/access  :  fast

Link  :  http://colonialphotography.hhimagehost.com/FAST2024ss 

Coaches Clinics - LAST WEEK

Coaches clinics for last minute instruction for Championship meet are posted! They are offered Tuesday-Thursday this week. These sessions are from 11:15-11:45 and are $10 per session. There is a poster in the pool area to sign up for these sessions. Work on Starts, Back, Breast, Fly, Free & Turns in a small group setting with our experienced coaches! 

As always, please reach out with any questions. 

2024 Shirt

2024 Swim Bag

2024 Swim Cap

2024 Bag Tag

2024 Fast Suit

2024 Fast Jammer

2024 Fast Suit

2024 Fast Suit

Join the FAST Facebook Group:  Fairhope Area Swim Team ~ F.A.S.T. 

Please post your Videos and pictures of the swim season to our page so we can all see the Swimmers and Coaches!!!!!!

Just a reminder about Weather and FAST FAST will practice Monday thru Friday, Rain or Shine.

If it is just rain the swimmers will swim, if there is thunder and the lifeguards issue a "out of pool" order until all clear the Coaches will implement Land techniques and skills to help the Swimmer until the Pool is reopened.

Inside Fairhope Municipal Pool

Recreation continues to grow on rapidly in Fairhope, and consequently, our summer swim team has grown significantly over the past few years.We have had over 250 swimmers participate for the FAST Sharks for the past 5 years. In an effort to keep everyone informed about the FAST meets and events, we are constantly working to communicate as effectively as possible each summer. We will be posting current info on the FAST Facebook page as well as sending mass email messages. We have added this info page up for you to access as well. We hope this will answer any questions parents might have. Remember, we are all parent volunteers and we need your involvement and support.

Thank you from the FAST board.